Thank You

My Friends,

Thank you for reading, commenting and for sharing your insights and love. I deflect whatever good comes of all this to my Savior, but your words still warm and bless me.

I hope when you decide to read an Un-Blog posting that you will click on the title of the post on the Home Page, and after reading it on the next page, that you take the time to rate it. Ratings help me understand what interests and uplifts you. It doesn’t tell me who rated it, just how many and what they clicked.

Ratings also acts as a second witness to whatever inspiration was involved in writing it. My mortal weakness values the crutches.

The chemo gremlin is coming back this Thursday, so please forgive me if I am hit and miss for a few days after that. I promise, I will be back.

Brother John

About John Pontius

I am a lover of truth.
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2 Responses to Thank You

  1. Michelle says:

    I rate them all a 5 too. Everyone is inspired and timely for my life. Thank you.


  2. K-Jo says:

    Brother John,

    I have read ALL of your blogs. And I have to tell you I would rate them all a 5 without question. Keep posting!


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