Becoming As The Savior

Sons and Daughters of Christ
I was reading my scriptures this morning in Ether 12, which I highly recommend for everyone to reread. It is instructive how the Lord talks with Moroni about his weakness, one of which, was in writing. I immediately thought to myself wow, he is a great writer. I on the other hand struggle with what to say and how to say it. I struggle with proper placement of commas and periods and everything else in between. I now notice great writing and editing.

Hopefully my writing will improve with time, but what is truly important, is my sure witness of the Father and Son. They live and love us more than we will ever know. I am surprised how involved they are in our lives. The little things mean something to Them, because they mean something to us. I am humbled by the grace and mercy they give to all of their children, regardless of obedience. I see people changing their lives, little by little, getting better, being kinder to their spouse and children. I weep when they leave the Bishop’s office in gratitude for a loving Father in Heaven. He truly cares and loves them unconditionally. I feel that unconditional love He has for them and me. I know that is how we need to be.

Our spouse is the first one that needs to feel this unconditional love, then children and then the people around us, especially if we are an employer or church leader. We need to treat our employees as we would want to be treated. We have a sacred trust when we have the power to fire someone or dictate what wage we pay them. Be generous and the Lord will be generous with you, a hundred times more.

In closing I want to leave you with a thought from President David O. McKay.

I want everyone to think about the light that emanates from us, does it have a brightness that people will notice and will want to know more? It cannot be faked, it is a direct result of the righteous thoughts and desires we have.
Pres. McKay:
“Every person who lives in this world radiates light, which affects and influences every other person in the world. Our choices in life determine what we really are. The radiance of the light that emanates from our countenance is determined by the choices we make, and is a powerful force in human relationships. And every person is the recipient of that radiation. The Savior was conscious of that reality; and to a degree so are we.

Whenever Jesus came into the presence of an individual He was conscious of a light emanating from that person’s soul, and which was mirrored in his countenance. He knew the behavior and conduct, and the choices a person had made because that behavior and those choices were reflected by the radiating light in one’s countenance. My dear brothers and sisters, we must make nobler choices. We must not encourage vile thoughts or low aspirations. We shall radiate them if we do. Every moment of life we are affecting, to a degree, the life of every other person with whom we may come in contact, and who comes within the sphere of our influence.

Every person is affecting every other person who lives. We cannot for one moment escape this emanation, this radiation of light that emanates from our countenance. Life is a constant state of radiation and absorption of light. To exist is to radiate light; to exist is to be the recipient of light. And we choose the qualities we permit to be radiated by the light within us, determined by our behavior, and by the choices we make.”

[The Prayer of Adam and Eve by Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (A. F. Segal, Paul, p. 152. President David O. McKay)]

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19 Responses to Becoming As The Savior

  1. Julie says:

    Shayne, I also would like to be invited to Joshua’s blog if possible. Please contact me by email. I sat in on many private cottage meetings with John and Teri where we discussed the concepts and doctrines of Triumph to Zion. John is truly a wonderful man, and I will be eternally grateful for the things he taught me and my family. We truly miss him and the love and friendship he gave to us!

    Thank you for all the time and effort you spend in keeping this blog going. We appreciate you.



  2. Diane K says:

    I too would like to be apart of Joshua’s blog. I have been following John’s blog almost since the beginning and rarely ever comment, however, it has helped me in many ways. I would love to be apart of any blog that is trying to establish Zion and prepare the world for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. If you are able to invite others, I would love to be included. Thank you for continuing to move the work forward.


  3. Ty says:

    Please forward an invitation to Joshua’s blog if you are able to. Thanks!


  4. Ole D. Dunn says:

    Light is another phenomenon of which man has little understanding . I have read accounts of those who have had near death encounters and light is usually mentioned and the indescribable influence it had on them. Some relate it to love, others recount being able to communicate true thoughts without speaking and there are many other unknown blessings of light. How do God and Christ travel? I don’t know but they are always in an intense light. It is my opinion, and an opinion only that they travel instantly protected by this light emmanating from and around them. I also believe they travel instantly and are not slowed down, so to speak, by the speed of light as we mortals have identified it.


  5. Janet says:

    I would like to be a part of the Joshua Mariano blog. How does one get an invitation?


  6. Matthew says:

    I’m very interested in the blog you mentioned. You described it as having “incredible material and people on it,” and I continue to look for other blogs that are in tune with the content on unblogmysoul.


  7. John says:

    It seems you have “let the cat out of the bag”, you just haven’t let people know where it is. (If permitted – may I also get a link to Joshua’s blog?)

    Thank you for your posts, all I have read have been uplifting and there are many more that I will read. They feed my desires to be a better person, to love more deeply, and to seek after all the Gifts of the Spirit, to play my part, to hope that I too can obtain what others have obtained. To know that others are seeking (not waiting) is in itself a great support and motivator. I am at that rung in the ladder where I have felt His guidance and love, have walked in my own desires (to the expected results), and wish to receive His guidance again, to follow, that I may be blessed accordingly. I wish to learn His will to do it, that I may be a blessing in the lives of my family and loved ones. I have been emersed in His love, and wish to be emersed again. I would love to feel His embrace and know that He was pleased with whom I am and whom I am becoming, like Him.


  8. kenh says:

    President David O. McKay’s quote about our light that radiates from within is what the Savior meant about letting our light so shine. Each of us generates an aura from within our spirit. This light radiates out from us. Satan does not know our thoughts, but how does he know if his mental attacks upon us are working? Because when we think evil, our aura deminishes in brightness. That is how he knows that we are thinking evil thoughts. The expression,”That person really lights up the room,” is really true when someone who is full of the Holy Ghost enters the room. Those who are searching for the truth seem to find those with it by how different those who are full of the truth actually are different. These souls are drawn to us like a moth to the light, the light that we generate within each of ourselves when we are truly in tune with the power of God as we strive to follow the Beacon of Light, even Jesus Christ. He seeks to draw all men unto Himself to save them. They must be drawn to us to find Him in us. May we shine forth as beacons of hope and love through Christ Jesus, our only Hope.


  9. Nansi says:

    I have read the Triumph of Zion. What a wonderful book. I have read all of John’s books and they have forever changed my life. I enjoy the wonderful words of encouragement and thought that is shared on this blog. Thank you. I would really like to have the link to Joshua Mariano’s blog if that would be okay with him. Nansi


  10. Sally D says:

    Beautiful post Shayne! Would you be willing and able to contact your friend to see if he would be willing to send private invitations to us, or something like that? I can see I’m not the only one that wants to john Joshua Mariano’s blog. The other blog that I love is
    I have been thinking a lot lately about how I radiate the light of Christ. It is noticable and the closer I draw myself to my Savior and seek for the greater portion the more I am becoming like him. I have been getting comments at church and other places about how beautiful I look and seem to shine and sparkle. I chuckle inside because it has nothing to do with what I wear or wether I put makeup on or do my hair. My whole focus is to bring others to Christ. The process really is: To know, to do, and to become. By taking the Gospel Dotrines,and principles an applying them or rather by living them (the doing), I am slowly BECOMING like my Savior. How wonderful is that?


  11. Suzane says:

    I am also interested in joining Joshua Mariano’s blog. Perhaps he is a private person and would like to remain such???? If not…. I am reading The Triumph of Zion now. Oh my! So very wonderful! Thoughts are put together in such a way as to make so many aspects of the gospel clearer and more exciting than before. The words of the prophets and the scriptures are more meaningful. There is a gentle prodding to be more like the Savior.


  12. Lorrie Lou says:

    Could you please post the link to Joshua Mariano’s blog? 🙂 Lorrie Lou


  13. Eve says:

    Is there a way to access Joshua Mariano private blog. I love this quote and his work in “The triumph of Zion”. I would love to join his blog!
    Thank you for this en”lightening” blog. It gives me even more reasons to watch and protect what I think, say and do and also what I allow myself to be exposed to. Thank you!


  14. Cheyenne says:

    Shayne, you write by the power of the Spirit and your words have the power to touch peoples’ hearts. I especially love the part, ” The little things mean something to them because they mean something to us”. I love to read things that give me a greater testimony of the goodness and love of God and our Savior, things that give me a greater desire to come more fully unto Christ and to forsake all of my sins. Thanks for this inspired message. Brother C.


  15. Jason says:

    Thank you Shayne for this wonderful reminder. I love that quote from President McKay.


  16. Laurence says:

    What a wonderful post. Many years ago, as I served a mission in Brazil, we were staying in the home of a non-member. Our little bedroom was just off their dining room. We were allowed to use their living room for study. One day as we returned to our apartment, the mother grabbed my arm and rushed me into the living room. She picked up an Improvement Era on the end table. I started to apologize for leaving it out, but she stopped me. She turned to the inside and found the picture of President McKay. It actually had a full page picture of each of the apostles. She poked her finger at his picture and demanded to know “Who is this man?” “Why” I asked. I explained that he was the prophet and president of our church. “Why do you ask?” I said. She said “Because his face shines!” It was one of my first introductions to the “realness” of light. My favorite calendar has become pictures of full moons. Why? Because the light we shine is from The Son. It is never our light. We reflect His Light. It is always about Him.


  17. Jennifer says:

    How can we be invited to the blog? I’ve looked at a few others and just don’t resonate with them I guess. I’m interested in this one though.


  18. ProConstitution Jan says:

    Thank you for sharing your insights and experience. I very much appreciate the positive encouragement to help stay on the path.
    What a powerful quote by Pres. McKay. Thank you for sharing this today.
    Is it possible to join Joshua Mariano’s blog to be able to enjoy more uplifting articles such as these. You spoke so highly of him. Things like this are so needed. That is why I really like coming to this web page, it lifts and builds. Thank you for this and previous posts since John’s passing. Thank you for keeping this ongoing. Sincerely appreciated.


  19. Darrin Ivie says:

    Shayne…is there someone with whom I could have a conversation regarding this website? If so, how do I go about getting a phone number?


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