Bless This Home

Throughout the years I have participated in many priesthood ordinances, acting as voice in many instances. I have seen many miracles, including prophecy, visions, inspired counsel, healings and in one case, raising the dead. I have great faith in my Savior, and in the Priesthood that bears His name.

Tonight I did something (I’m a little amazed to admit) that I have never done before. I dedicated our home. This has been an interesting day, one of highs and lows, one of peace and conflict. It is simply a gift of grace that I sit here now, full of light, able to share with you this moment.

Blessing a home is a priesthood function, but it is not required. It is simply something we can do if we wish. Having never actually done it, and having never even heard a home dedication before, I entered into this event with an open and uncluttered mind. I didn’t know what to say, or if it would take one minute or one hour. As soon as I began I felt the Holy Spirit enter my heart. I would like to share with you the words I was given. I do so in the hope that it blesses your life, and in time perhaps enable you to add another piece to your armor against evil.

“In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood, I dedicate this home to Jesus Christ, for the work of His latter-day kingdom and for the building up of Zion. I bless it as a refuge of righteousness, and raise up a shield against the forces of evil, and promise that it will stand as a sanctuary of peace and happiness through the ages.

“I bless the walls and roof that they shall withstand the forces of nature, that no element of the weather may damage or penetrate them. I bless the foundation that it will remain sure and strong, and that the earth will never raise up against it. I bless the doors and windows that no enemy may penetrate or pass them; that neither enemies of men, armies or forces of the unseen may enter in.

“I bless this house that it will only hear the sounds of love and happiness within, and that cries of fear and terror will never be heard here. I bless this home that as long as those who live within invite the Holy Spirit into their lives, that love will always abound, and that peace and plenty will rule by day and by night.

“I seal this blessing in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

Brother John

© April 2011, John M. Pontius, all rights reserved. Non-commercial reproduction permitted.

About John Pontius

I am a lover of truth.
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6 Responses to Bless This Home

  1. Julia says:

    Dear Brother John,
    I know you have already passed on, but I still want to express my thanks for you writing this blog post. Dedicating your home (though not required) is something I know to be vital for our spiritual welfare in the days we live in. When I was serving my mission years ago my Mission President passed on to us missionaries the same counsel he received from the apostle who set him apart for his service. That counsel was that we needed to each re dedicate our home every time there was a change in our living arrangement (ie someone new coming to live there, or someone who had been living there leaves.) the reasoning behind this as was explained, was that every time the living arrangement changes it creates a hole or something that allows the advisory and his spirits greater access. I’m not sure if I am explaining it well. Anyways I have tried to follow this counsel ever since (on my mission and home) and I can tell you there is a huge difference.



  2. Erik says:

    Dear John,

    It was a wonderful thing. Not only did I add the extra armor I desired, the spirit took me in a completely unforseen direction to bless the lives of others.


  3. TDG says:

    Thanks John, I’ve had a desire recently to dedicate my home. Reading your blessing gives me some things to think about and pray about before performing this ordinance, hopefully under the direction of the spirit.


  4. Erik says:

    I dedicated my home a few years ago and it was very similiar to your first paragraph. Would it be ok if I did it again and picked up on the themes of your other paragraphs?


    • unblogmysoul says:

      Dear Erik,

      You are welcome to use words similar to mine as the Spirit accords with what you propose. I have no reason to believe it wouldn’t be a wonderful thing to do.



  5. Donald says:

    Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


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