Stand in Holy Places

Some of you asked if I could share some special parts of Spencer’s book with the Un-Blog. I’ve got to come up with a title other than “Spencer’s Book”. Any inspired suggestions would be gratefully accepted. The problem with the name is that I don’t want it to be sensational. I want it to be intriguing and descriptive, but not flashy.

One of the chapters in this unnamed book is on the Second Coming. According to Spencer’s vision of this event, he and many other people around the world were outside looking up at the eastern sky. The Spirit had urged them to go look. They were watching the most beautiful white clouds rolling toward them. He said there was no dark underside, as with a storm cloud. They were almost blindly white. They could see that there was someone standing in the cloud. Even hundreds of miles away they could clearly see His face, and He was coming with fire to cleanse the earth.

They heard a voice, not with their ears, but in their hearts, which instructed them to go into the temple. He said they dropped everything and ran as hard as they could to enter the temple. They didn’t go back home to get things, or to find family members, they just ran. They would be instructed to stop and pick up babies as they went. Nobody was left behind who heard the voice.

They ran into the temple in the New Jerusalem and into the assembly hall. They began to sing and praise God. He said the ceiling of the temple became transparent, and they watched Christ come. He was lifting people up to join Him in the cloud, but He was also destroying the wicked as he passed over. Being in the temple was their safety. He said the last thing he remembered was the feeling of gravity releasing Him and the others with him, and they began to ascend into the cloud.

Spencer said that all over the world, the same call was made – run into the temples. Those who heard and obeyed were not consumed, but were caught up to be with Him. He said people ran into many holy places, some were sent into churches, tabernacles and conference centers, and some into their own homes. What made these buildings holy, wasn’t that they were temples or churches, but it was the caliber and righteousness of those gathered within it. That building was holy because those within were holy, and they had heard and obeyed the voice of Christ. Thus, they were standing in holy places.

In our present lives, this same formula separates us from destruction by Babylon, and lifts us to Christ, that we make ourselves holy, and when He calls, we run to obey Him.

Brother John

© November 2011, John M. Pontius, all rights reserved. Non-commercial reproduction permitted.

About John Pontius

I am a lover of truth.
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34 Responses to Stand in Holy Places

  1. Your comment about holiness coming from the caliber of people reminded me, powerfully, of something I learned recently:

    I was studying desecrated temples (preparing to blog about repentance).I was looking for examples of cleansing of desecrated temples and the Lord’s acceptance of them.

    I found the story of Josiah (2 Kings 22-23). It is perhaps the most beautiful repentance story in the Old Testament. But despite Josiah’s repentance, despite cleansing the temple, the Lord still determined to destroy Jerusalem (2 Kg 23:25-27)

    This confused me at first. They repented and cleansed the temple. The Lord spared Nineveh. Why not Jerusalem?

    As I widened my search, I discovered Jeremiah’s prophecies from that exact time period. Chapter 7 in particular explains that the people trusted in the temple to protect them (v4), though their lives were anything but service to the Lord. In particular, their sin was failure to listen to and obey the voice of the Lord (Jer 7:22-24).

    The spirit taught me the key lesson: The temple isn’t holy by itself. Holy people make a holy temple.


  2. Russ Lyman says:

    I had a similar dream during my mission. I wrote it down at the time and kept what I saw and felt in my heart and mind. Before I read Spencer’s experience, I had never heard an account of the Second Coming that was similar to what I saw in my dream.

    I won’t share all the details. I will say that I was in a van with a group of people. I wasn’t going to a temple, but I believe I was going to a stake center or large chapel. I was in a huge hurry to get there.

    Thank you for sharing.


  3. jowo says:

    How about “What Spencer Saw”


  4. ? says:

    How about: Spencer’s musings – simple, humble, and grateful


  5. Donald says:

    Suggestion for a title:

    Redeeming Zion



  6. Joni Walker says:

    Oh woooooow!!!!!! The spirit just kept vibrating through my whole body in confirming the beauty and joy that will occur when Christ comes to us. I want to be there to experience this love and beauty as our spirits join as one in Christ. Thankyou so very much brother John for sharing!!!! Oh what a blessing to be able to see these visions as he has! I can’t wait to read the rest of his writings!!!!!! God Speed Love Joni


  7. TDG says:

    John wrote: “He was also destroying the wicked as he passed over. Being in the temple was their safety. He said the last thing he remembered was the feeling of gravity releasing Him and the others with him, and they began to ascend into the cloud.”

    John, do you think that those who saved are those who, by that point in time, are prepared spiritually to receive Christ’s presence and would have done so anyway? Or do you think that having experienced spiritual rebirth will be sufficient to caught up at his coming? I wonder if the only people left after His coming will be those who have had their calling and election made sure and have qualified themselves to withstand His presence.


    • John Pontius says:

      Here’s my understanding. When He comes He will gather up all of those who are qualified for a Celestial reward on the “morning of the first resurrection”. Later that same day He will gather up the Terrestrial people. Then, the wicked will be destroyed by fire. The Celestial and Terrestrial mortals will then be returned to the earth to live out the Millennium.

      I will look some things up and make sure I got that exactly right, but it’s late at night.

      Good question though,



  8. SBH says:

    “Gathering in One All Things in Christ” (Eph 1:10)


  9. Pearl says:

    “Eye to Eye”

    I don’t know! It’s hard to think of a title with just the crumbs we’ve been given. I’m sure a little word or phrase will stick in your craw, BroJohn, or Spencer’s craw as you two discuss things. I agree it shouldn’t be sensational. Simple and humble and grateful is the vibe I get from this unpublished book.


  10. Erik says:

    I am looking forward to the book, I believe it will expand our view of the forthcoming events. I just finished “The Triumph of Zion” and it resolved many things I had a hard time putting together regarding Zion.

    Thank you John for publishing all this material!


  11. Gina says:

    How about (Eastern Sky)


  12. Nick says:

    My thought for a title, two words:
    Finding Zion


  13. ksallen says:

    Thank you for sharing that with us. I can’t wait to read the book! Did Spencer happen to tell you if he believes this will happen in his lifetime?


    • John Pontius says:

      He doesn’t know because he saw himself eventually as a translated, and then a resurrected person. These things extend “life” in most cases, far beyond the normal definition of “lifetime”. Good question though.


  14. ken h says:

    That is so beautiful. Perhaps the title could be,”Safely Gathered Unto Christ At Last ” or “He Will Lift Us Up”. Perhaps the book has come together as quickly as it has is because the Lord is hastening your work John to be able to publish it as soon as you can before the events in the book begin to transpire so we who read it can finish our preparations as the Lord will hasten His work.


    • John Pontius says:

      Thanks Ken. When I read your title suggestions I thought of “All is Safely Gathered In”. I like the harvest theme.

      It could also be that a sense of urgency was what it took to get me to actually get it done faster. I don’t know.


  15. Maggie says:

    Forgive me but I haven’t followed enough of the blogs to know who the Spencer is that you keep talking about. Could you briefly fill me in?


    • John Pontius says:

      Hi Maggie,

      I get asked this question often every time I mention this book. Spencer is a brother I met who has died three times, and had three comprehensive NDE experiences wherein he saw his entire life from the pre-mortal world, the millennium, the Second Coming and beyond. It is the most fascinating story I have ever heard. He has given me permission to record and publish his experiences. I just finished the book yesterday. It should be in print late next year if all goes well.



  16. Wendy says:

    I’m so grateful for this powerful message. These images go straight to my heart. I don’t have words for what I feel.


  17. Brother Ray says:

    Her are a couple of thoughts for a book title:

    The Things To Come
    The Future of World History
    Of Things Both in Heaven and in the Earth
    D&C 88:78-81 are full of all kinds of good ideas.


  18. Denise Poundstone says:

    How about “Stand Ye in Holy Places”? I realize that has been used a couple of times but you could include a subtitle like “Safety in the Temple”. Or you could make it “Standing in the Holy Place”. Or “Blessed are the Pure in Heart for They Shall See God”. “Be Ye Doers and Not Hearers Only” We anxiously await its release. Thank you for all your hard work and for “Spencer”. How is Carolyn?


  19. Janet says:

    Didn’t you say that Spencer’s ‘information’ seemed to come from the pages of the unsealed book? There’s a title in there somewhere.


    • John Pontius says:

      Hmmmm, no I didn’t say that. Interesting parallel, except that the Sealed Portion is about the whole of God’s work, and Spencer’s is only about his own journey. Maybe it should be “A Peek Inside”. Thanks


  20. Sharon Cox says:

    Thanks for posting this teaser from the book! The spirit spoke clearly to my heart and mind that Spencer’s account of events to come is true.

    It is interesting what he said about “holy places” – 10 years ago when I bought my home, and on the day that I moved in, at a moment when I was inclined to indulge in a sense of pride and accomplishment, I heard/felt the spirit inform me that the home was not mine. I was shocked by the unexpected reprove. I was told that the home was Heavenly Father’s and that I was simply given stewardship over it, and that it will be a place of refuge. What that meant, I didn’t fully understand and still don’t, but what makes it even more mysterious, is that my home address number is 911. How wonderful it would be if my home is one that is earmarked by the Savior to be one of his “holy places” reserved for the latter days. The thought alone brings me to tears.


  21. mjo5 says:

    So glad you brought out this idea of “holy places” being more about the person than the place. I made that connection recently as I remembered the scripture, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?”. We know temples are Holy Places. If I am a temple, then I am a Holy Place and thus, to “stand in Holy Places” is more about my condition than my location. Pres. Monson’s recent conference talk is titled “Stand in Holy Places”. Here’s his summary paragraph:

    My beloved brothers and sisters, communication with our Father in Heaven—including our prayers to Him and His inspiration to us—is necessary in order for us to weather the storms and trials of life. The Lord invites us, “Draw near unto me and I will draw near unto you; seek me diligently and ye shall find me.” As we do so, we will feel His Spirit in our lives, providing us the desire and the courage to stand strong and firm in righteousness—to “stand … in holy places, and be not moved.”

    His talk mentions nothing of physical Holy Places. And he seems to clearly make the connection between being strong and firm IN righteousness with standing in holy places and not being moved.

    We can be in a ‘comfortable deception’ when we think we are fine because we ‘attend’ the Holy Temple, but pay little attention to whether we are standing in Holy Places outside the temple. if ‘we’ are Holy.then wherever we stand…it is a Holy Place.


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