We Three Kings

Dear Un-Blog Family,

I just spent the whole day getting “We Three Kings” published on Amazon Kindle Bookstore. It isn’t a task for a sissy. I wonder why they make it so hard….

Please give it a few days to come online. You can find it by searching the name or  by my name in Kindle.

“We Three Kings” is an enchanting tale of three Book of Mormon figures who, upon seeing the signs of the birth of Christ, make an extraordinary voyage from the Promised Land to Bethlehem, to seek the promised Messiah.

Nephi, the warrior prophet, Timothy, the prophet’s brother and unparalleled archer, Cephus, nonbeliever and wealthy merchant, and Andi, a feisty slave girl, bring Him gifts, and ultimately change their lives — and the course of history.

As Nephi exclaimed when told his proposed quest was insane:

“It is madness to NOT go and seek Him!”

Merry Christmas to us all,

Brother John


About John Pontius

I am a lover of truth.
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12 Responses to We Three Kings

  1. James says:

    We read it as a family last Christmas and loved it! Hope to read it again before the season’s out. I’ve always been intrigued with the anomalies in scripture, like the ‘wise men from the east’. Where did they come from? What did they know and where are their records? I wonder if anyone ever before even thought of tying them in somehow with the Book of Mormon peoples?

    The story is well written, thought provoking and a fun read.


  2. mjo5 says:

    For the “nook” crowd, it might help if the Unblog community would click on this link and request it be made available. I assume they have to have a certain number of requests…I don’t know what that would require of you Bro. Pontius…so don’t publish this comment if it’s not something you desire to do. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/we-three-kings-john-pontius/1007355466



    • John Pontius says:

      Dear Mjo5,

      That link takes you to the original edition of “We Three Kings”. I didn’t even know B&N knew about it. I only printed 20 copies as Christmas gifts in 2004. It was never offered to the public. This new edition is only available at Kindle Amazon right now.

      Thanks for pointing that our,



  3. ken h says:

    My understanding about the breastplate is that it belonged to the brother of Jared. He had the Urim and Thummin attached to his breastplate and they were found with the plates containing the writings of Ether as well as the sealed portion that the brother of Jared wrote upon. But it could have been Moroni’s as well. Very interesting Christmas story.


  4. Victoria says:

    I’m so glad! I’ve commented on this before, but I love, love, LOVE this book! It honestly was a joy to read. It was wonderfully engaging reading, with an end so powerful and moving that it brings tears to my eyes to remember it. In addition to your other gifts, you have such a talent for this kind of writing also.

    I’m going to get this on my Kindle and reread it! Timely reading for the Christmas season.

    Oh, speaking of things you write, if you’re still thinking about doing that children’s book, I came across an amazing LDS artist who I think you would like. I think you’d not only appreciate her illustration style, but also the general nature of what her life and ideals are about. She’s actually not an artist as a profession. She simply has a gift, and uses it almost incidentally, like your writing that incredible Three Kings book.

    Email me if you’d like contact info.

    Thank you for still being here and for all you do. Give Terri and the girls a hug for us!



  5. rlyman says:

    I finished “We Three Kings” about a month ago, and like with all of your books, I really enjoyed it. Do you have plans to publish your Millennial Quest books on Amazon also?

    A couple questions/comments on “We Three Kings”. First of all, I have been curious about the timing of Nephi’s (son of Helaman) translation for a long time. It seems to coincide perfectly with a trip to Jerusalem to see the infant Lord. It was a theory I have had, so it was cool to read about the possibility of that happening from someone else. We know that the wise men (not necessarily three wise men) were prophets from distant lands. Who better than Nephi to make the trip?

    A question I have is what is the large stature of Nephi based upon? I’m assuming it’s not a thought original to you and your story, but where else have you seen it? Just curious.


    • John Pontius says:

      Dear Rylman,

      Joseph Smith often spoke of the “Large stature” of the Nephites. Also in “Joseph Smith the Prophet” by his mother, Lucy Mack Smith, she tells about the breastplate Joseph brought home with the plates. She said that he had his father and brother hold it up. Joseph ducked down and stepped inside of it. It was big enough for two people to be inside. He could pull his hands in, turn a complete circle without touching the breastplate, then put his hands back out. I just estimated that it would make Moroni over 7 feet tall, probably closer to 8. Since Nephi (son of Helaman) was 300 years earlier, I also assumed the bloodlines would have been less diluted then, and more likely Nephi was a large man.


  6. Shari Jo Watson says:

    what age group does this target


    • John Pontius says:

      There is action and romance, so it appeals to young teens and up. There is drama and action for the guys. There is a strong connection with history and real places, people and events, which appeals to people who like to read historical fiction. There is a lot of religion in it, so it appeals to LDS readers. It’s a Christmas story which takes you to Bethleham.

      I wrote it in 1996 as a Christmas gift to my kids, and am just now getting around to publishing it more broadly.

      I hope you enjoy it,

      John Pontius


  7. Abram Hatch says:

    I am spoiled by kindle or electronic books. It makes it so easy to find things with the search features. I would buy additional copies of your other books if they were available on kindle. Thanks for all you do.


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