John’s Passing

It is with much sadness that we announce the passing of John Pontius. Earlier this afternoon he returned to his Heavenly home where he yearned to be.I spoke with Terri a few minutes ago and she is very happy for John and yet sad to lose her eternal companion on earth. Please pray for the family at this time. More details are forthcoming.

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54 Responses to John’s Passing

  1. Vickie Ramirez says:

    Dear sister Cheyenne Brashear, One thing John helped me understand is that you can not obtain anything that is not already within you.


  2. Anja says:

    What a blessing it was to have Brother John Pontius in my life. Even though he never really knew who I was he played such an important role in helping me understand my Heavenly Father’s love for me. That can not be taught by anyone. He was someone very special. Thank you Terri for allowing him to share his knowledge and love for the gospel. I will be forever grateful. Our prayers are with you and your family. We love you.


  3. Ronald Bryan says:

    We are often left to wonder why part of this mortal condition, we find ourselves in, that we mourn or are saddened by the loss of a loved one, especially one of the valiant ones? We believe with all of our heart that we will indeed meet once again, but there is almost always that shadow of a doubt that clings to this mortal frame.

    However, I believe with John and Terri, there is just a little more than a firm hope they will once again be reunited! Terri, I wish there was a way to take away this part of your journey, but alas, know there are many of us that are saddened by the knowledge that you will be alone, however short it may be.

    May you find comfort as you move forward without your companion on this side of the veil! He will ever be near whispering his love and encouragement to your and yours as the days pass by. You will be in our thoughts and prayers!

    With love
    Ron Bryan


  4. Toni says:

    My condolences and love to the family and friends. It is difficult to be the ones left behind.


  5. Ashley says:

    Much Thanks and Love to Brother John. He will be missed. I am very happy for him though. Thoughts and prayers are being sent to the family.



  6. Joey Parker says:

    Brother John We will miss you….I thank my Father in Heaven for allowing us to cross paths in this mortal probation. I’m for ever thankful to you for you have helped me and my family on the path to see the face of our Lord Jesus Christ. My prayers are with Terri and your family.
    With Love,
    Joey Parker


  7. Carol says:

    My prayers are with you Terri and family! The sting of death is swallowed up in the eternal joys of such a precious and light filled soul. Those who remain, I am sure were prepared by the Lord for such a tremendous loss. My thoughts are just awe for the Grace of our Savior that He extended to Brother Pontius to lengthen and strengthen his days to publish Spencer’s story in Visions of Glory. I am so grateful! And for all of you and your sweet spirits. Thank you all!


  8. Carol Knibbs says:

    Thank you, John, for feeding us such righteousness and hope. We are eternally grateful for you and Terri. Our prayers are for Terri and family members at this time of loss. You are dear to so very many of us. Thank you again.


  9. karen says:

    We love you John! I can’t wait to see you again and be taught the new and wonderful things you have learned from the other side!

    For the rest of us, remember that fasting and prayer at times of morning brings great blessings. The Lord will allow John to continue helping Him in His work of ‘bringing to pass the exaltation and eternal life of man’


  10. doug thompson says:

    D&C 138 has given me (divine ?) insight into this thing we call death. In that section President Smith relates the vision of those in the spirit world awaiting with Joy the coming of the Savior. From their perspective all was right and good. All the while, in Jerusalem those in the flesh who loved the Lord, wept and sorrowed deeply.

    Two perspectives concerning the very same event, each with opposite feelings of the soul. What was the difference? The understanding, knowledge, faith and the ability to truly “see” things as they really are.

    John has helped me on my journey to “see” more on this side of that event we call “death”, but those in the spirit refer to as “The New Birth”.

    Have a good mission Bro John. Thank iyoiu

    doug t


  11. Racquel Richardson says:

    Teri, I love you!!!! Thank you so much for allowing me to know your family! I will love and care for your sweet Alicia here! I will see you soon and look forward to giving you a huge hug. —-Kelle


  12. Craig Mills says:

    John was a dear friend, and I will miss him terribly, but I am so grateful for the time I was given to know the man and his wonderful wife Terri. My gratitude to Terri for sharing John with us. May the Lord bless her at this time with the peace and comfort that only our Heavenly Father can give. Thank you John and May God bless you.

    Craig M


  13. darrell brashear says:

    Even at the time of my writing this, I am certain that John has this day stood in the presence of the Savior of the world. To think that he passed the mortal experience and secured his eventual exaltation! No more pain, suffering, sorrow, limitations, or loss!

    Many have and will rise up and call his name blessed. Even now I think that all of his desires concerning the building of Zion will be realized. He now knows and understands the depths of the love that we each had for him.

    My heart goes out to Terri. May she be blessed with all the comfort, strength and love needed to enable her to continue with hope and happiness for the future. May John be ever near her, and may she feel his strength and love.

    God bless our dear brothers Shayne, Eric, and Spencer in thier labor of love in the continuance of this unblog. May they be filled with love and peace and desire as they continue to bless this unblog.

    May God bless all the members of this unblog. It wouldn’t be the same without any of you.

    We’re going to miss you John….Brother D.


  14. kathryn Hughes says:

    I too want to say just how much my family and I will miss Brother John and all those words of love that Brother John so wonderfully put on paper . His love for each of us was shown each time he wrote. I know his time here is not over but when he returns with our Savior it will be a time of love and joy. I know that Terri will miss Him from time to time but hopefully she will feel his spirit with her. Our life is but a short time then ,with the love of our Savior we all will have the joy of feeling His loving arms around us as Brother John is now feeling . My Prayers go with Terri and His family that some how you can feel the love we have for you and your family too. God Bless us all until we all meet again
    love your Sister
    Kathryn Hughes


  15. Forest says:

    Thank You Brother John,
    Through many dark years, I often found a source of light in the perspective I obtained by reading your writing. One day, I hope to be able to thank you in person. Until then, may we receive light and comfort in the Atonement of our Savior.


  16. sara gwen says:

    Dear Terri and family
    I am deeply moved to hear of John’s passing. Words come so short of expressing the emotions we’ve felt from the moment of hearing that John thought he would be going home to this moment of hearing that he has gone home. His work and his words have touched our souls and the souls of our children in ways too numerous to mention, from the first reading of ‘Following the Light of Christ into His Presence’ several years ago, to his recent ‘Triumph of Zion’ and ‘Visions of Glory’.
    John leaves a legacy which continues to expand and multiply. His testimony of Christ born out of his own personal witness and experiences gives hope, and faith is nourished unto ‘the picking of the fruit which is most desirable above all else’ which he inspires and details in his ‘Triumph’ masterpiece. John’s message, entailed both in his life and in his words, will continue to bear the fruit John so humbly and aptly spent his life depicting and inviting others to come and partake. We will sorely miss you John. Thank you Terri for all you did to make his mission possible. May you continue to be richly blessed!


  17. cami gygi says:

    Tears of gratitude for a man who changed my perspective and opened my mind to the possibilities of gospel of Jesus Christ like no one else. You were here for many of us to find. Grateful that I went looking for the “meat” of the gospel and the Lord led me to you. Thank you for being so valiant in your testimony and enduring so faithfully, patiently, and gracefully.


  18. Debra James says:

    I have no words eloquent enough to describe my feelings today. Hamba gahle John ( go well ) , Terri, there are no words to prepare you for the feelings you will face now, relief, joy, sadness, peace, loss, loneliness and many more, remember that “all these things shall give thee experience” and rely on the arm of the Lord. Even Nephi became most discouraged after hs fathers death, this after his glorious experiences with the angel. This is a painful exerience for us left behind, see Nephi 4 and glory as did Nephi in knowing from whence cometh our strength.


  19. Andi says:

    My love and prayers for the Pontius family — thank you for sharing this sweet man with all of us. He has been and will continue to be an integral part of my (and so many others’) spiritual journey. What a blessing he is to us. I pray for your comfort in this very difficult loss.


  20. JohnD says:

    Good bye John, although we only met once, you had a great impact on my life, and plan to pass it on!
    Further Light and knowledge gained through Johns fulfilling his errand of the Lord.
    During the summer of 2010, I found myself in the Ogden, UT Desert Book, at a random shelf, picking up a book I had never heard of, by an author I didn’t know.
    That book, The Triumph of Zion and those recommended in it, led me to understandings I needed, to further my journey in search of my special witness of the Lord.
    As well as the UnBlog that brought to me the reunion last fall. I didn’t see, let alone understand at the time, how significant of an impact that day had inside of me, but feel the need to share.
    Like many of course I almost didn’t go, but felt strongly that I would help with security and as strange as it may sound, that feeling of obligation is what pushed me to attend, even though I hadn’t been asked to help with it. But as the spirit had impressed, I did have the opportunity, and was asked to stand at the entrance of the hall and looked at 100’s of people in the face as they entered.
    The gift of discernment is something I have always enjoyed, but that day, it was something wonderful. I don’t know if I performed any security, but the Lord did give me a lesson in the gifts of the spirit.
    As I stood there looking at the faces of those who entered, information of these people came into my mind like a flood, immediately knowing who they were and their intentions for being there.
    One of my duties was to make sure all who passed me into the hall had a name tag.
    As one brother walked toward me I noticed he didn’t have a tag, as I looked into his face the spirit said, that’s Spencer, so I didn’t say anything and let him pass.
    And then, as it always seems to be, I doubted myself and all this information, thinking I was just caught up in the moment and just getting carried away.
    That’s when this same brother came back toward me the other way, this time with a name tag. In need of visual confirmation to strengthen my faith, I strained to read the name tag “Spencer” it was him; I was in deed enjoying something marvelous.
    People were there for many reasons, most all good, a few seeking to fault find, but only one that I saw with evil intent, and she, I’m not sure was of this earth. I was so stunned as she walked past I didn’t even notice her name or if she even had a name tag. I spent the rest of the night searching the hall, but never saw her again.
    The expansion of my heart, faith and knowledge was so much more than the words those speaking, it truly changed me. I was blessed to teach a lesson in church the next day with these gifts and able to experience, truly, teaching by the spirit and answer questions as they entered the hearts of those in the class that day.
    And I won’t even get into “The Book “he wrote of Spencer’s journey.
    Thanks John for fulfilling your errand of the Lord.


    • (Spencer) says:

      JOHN D, thank you so much for this posting. It touched my heart deeply. God bless you. John is about and with us all. He loves each of us and we must quietly listen and slow down so he can make contact with us. This contact is a training for all that lies ahead. “Be still and know that I am God.” In our stillness we can hear that which only sounds like wind as we rush by.


      • Liz Ericksen says:

        Oh my gosh Spencer….I love that! We need a “love that and concur” button!


      • Cheyenne Brashear says:

        Thank you John D and (Spencer), both of those comments were amazing. After hearing about brother John’s passing, I felt too stunned to write anything; today, however, I feel an unexplainable spiritual upgrade. I can’t help but think that we are more special to John then we realize, and that John is working with us behind the veil to help us realize our dreams of obtaining Zion.

        I know from the Holy Ghost that once a person obtains the promise of eternal life, they gain great power with God and man. Those that they bless are truly blessed. John has blessed each one of us and is still blessing each one of us.

        My prayers go out to Terri and family, and to all the members of the unblog. Brother C.


  21. Liz Ericksen says:

    I only found this site recently…. after I read “Visions of Glory”. What is strange is that as I read John’s posts and pages I came to feel the Spirit of Lord so much stronger and sweeter than ever before. I have never even met John and yet I am so saddened by his leaving our world. His influence will be eternal in my life and for that, I am sooo grateful for him, those that he belonged to and who belonged to him and to his dear friends who remain with us. Thanks to all of you and Thank You John for your significant contribution to my life! God Bless


  22. Matt says:

    Thanks for posting this update. I mourn his loss to this side of the veil. He will be missed and his influence was tremendous. I celebrate his journey beyond the veil and what awaits him in the eternal realm! My prayers go out to Terri, family, and friends who will feel his absence most deeply. I’m so sorry. I wish you peace and comfort as you face this most difficult experience.


  23. ML Castor says:

    Can we imagine just how grateful, and teared filled rejoicing that the Savior has had now that one of His has come home to Him? I rejoice in knowing that Brother John is so loved by Him, that upon his arrival into His presence, that he was not just embraced, but was held for a time as child in His loving arms, with the sweet words, “well done thou good and faithful servant, because of all thy unselfish works, and sacrifices, all that I and Father hath shall be yours, and from this day forward you shall enter into peaceful rest, and shall be numbered among your fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Firstborn, for on this day, thou shalt no longer be named as Mine servant, but you shall be called “Friend”…..Can you only imagine?


  24. James says:

    Praise to this man, who communed with Jehovah.
    Jesus annointed this prophet and seer.
    Blessed to strengthen this last dispensation.
    Saints shall extol him, his kindred revere.
    Hail to this prophet, ascended to Heaven.
    Traitors and tyrants now fight him in vain.
    Mingling with Gods he can plan for his brethren.
    Death shall not conquer this hero again.

    Numbers 11:29
    And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou for my sake? would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!

    Numbers 12:6
    And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

    Prayers of peace this day from our family to yours. God Bless.


  25. Steve H. says:

    My love and prayers are with Brother John’s loved ones. My thanks go with Brother John for all he taught and testified.


  26. Chris says:

    One post from Brother John came to my mind upon learning of Brother John’s passing:

    He made it to the 20th year!:

    You were sent to help us all, and you succeeded!


  27. By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
    By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:
    For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. (New Testament, Hebrews, Chapter 11)


  28. Kathy Martin says:

    To all those who have continued John’s work, to Spencer, and especially to Terri and family, our prayers are with you along with heart-felt gratitude for all he offered to us with sincere intent. Thank you!!!

    Frank & Kathy Martin, Washingtonl, UT


  29. (Spencer) says:

    Oh John. Now gone to be with the Lord whom you have testified of so boldly and without ceasing for so very long. Now to be taught the things of Eternity with no need to rest, no need to bare the burdens of the body any longer and to now sore in your knowledge of all that is Good all that is Eternal. That wonderful mind of yours being filled with all knowledge, all that the Father hath to give. John may you be willing to impart these glorious lessons to us anew when it is our time to go forth and receive what you are now receiving. To be so blessed to have you there, once again to teach us, lead us along in the ways of truth and Eternity. We love you. We miss you. (Spencer)


  30. Rand says:

    God bless you John on your journey. You have done life well. I pray for your family and hope and pray they honor your legacy of discipleship.


  31. Brenda says:

    Glad he did all he came to earth to do in his mortal state. Prayers are truly needed for the family and what else can we do for them?


  32. Kim Gifford says:

    Goodbye, Brother John, you were so loved and will be much missed. Thanks for everything. God bless.


  33. carol says:

    To John Pontius Family..Thank you all for sharing such a wonderful man, with the rest of us..we welcomed his wonderful light that he was blessed with, and ever so thankful he took the time to share it with us..I feel I am a better person for being able just to read his words..Thank you for your patience, while he helped so many toward the Light of Christ.. It was a blessing to find the unblog..
    From my family to yours Thank You Ever So Much..


  34. M.L. Castor says:

    Thank you dear Brother of Zion. Never have I met a more valiant and strong servant of the Lord’s and Father. The great reward that I am sure has already taken place for you is that you are no longer called “servant”, but now you are called “Friend”…..and deservingly you should. I know you have already let some know that all is well, and that your passing was more beautiful and glorious than you had been able to imagine. We look forward to your ever continuing watchful Spirit, and tutoring from the other side. Thank you for providing me with some of your last words…..”See you in Zion”!


  35. kenh says:

    I am saddened indeed. But He can say with Paul that he, John, has fought the good fight and is now in the arms of our Savior and Redeemer, even Jesus Christ. John is now rejoicing with so many loved ones who are calling his name blessed. He is, I am sure, excited about the many wonderful assignments that are coming to him on the other side of the veil. Rest in Peace, John.


  36. LSessions says:

    Though the world now seems a little darker, thinking of Brother John finally in paradise gives my soul much joy. What a wonderful blessing he has been to so many fellow saints in helping us to understand our Savior. Bless you Brother John. You are missed.


  37. Kevin says:

    May his heavenly reunion be as glorious as I imagine it to be…and may his family feel the peace and love that comes when a righteous child is called home.


  38. FJC says:

    Our prayers are with our dear friend Terri. God bless you Terri! We love you!!


  39. Videre faciem Dei says:

    John, you will be missed. Thank you for your words which have touched so many lives. Our prayers are with your family.


  40. Sandy Skougard says:

    My deepest regards and sympathy for the Pontius’s at this time. John has been a dear blessing and I feel extremely blessed to have known him for this short tme. 0h! If we could only be flies on the wall at that sweet reunion in Heaven today!


  41. Mila says:

    May the Lord bless our Brother John forever for his love and devotion to Jesus Christ and His Children. I will always remember and always miss you Brother John so much. And I only met you once. I can only imagine how hard it is right now for Terri and family and close friends. I pray you will be comforted and uplifted. Please feel our love and the prayers of our hearts. May every soul that is gvieving the mortal passing of our dear friend John Pontius be in peace and rejoice in fulfillment of John’s greatest wish of meeting his Savior and his Master Jesus Christ. I love you all brothers and sister. Love and peace to you all.



  42. Mark says:

    Hurrah for Israel!!


  43. My family and I love you John. We thank you for all you have done and the example you were to us in life. May your next adventure be as fruitful and blessed on into the eternities. God speed my good friend.


    The Holland family.


  44. Joshua says:

    We will miss you John…till we meet again!


  45. Regina says:

    Praying for Terri and for their family. What a wonderful man he is. His contributions are such a blessing to us.

    With Love and Prayers,


  46. Nate K. says:

    Dearest Terri, Thank you for your sweet husband, and for the exemplary life that he led. I am eternally grateful to have discovered his writings, and his firesides are a treasure to me. I hope someday, to be more like John Pontius.
    My sincerest condolences on his passing. I am very happy for you and for him that his pain is now at an end. Bless you and thank you.


  47. Vicki says:

    Thanks for the update. Will pray for family, friends, and followers. Thinking of you!


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